

What is it?

We grow four different kinds of onions:
Texas Legend: sweet short day yellow onion
Southern Belle Red: sweet red short day onion
Candy: sweet intermediate day yellow onion
Red Candy Apple: sweet intermediate day red onion

Onions form their bulbs at the soil level, under the thin layer of plastic mulch we use to control weeds. Use your hands to feel through the plastic looking for large bulbs, then grip the greens near the base and pull straight up. Alternatively, just look for onions where the neck has fallen over; this is the onion’s way of saying they’ve finished growing and are ready to harvest!

Onions contain antioxidants and compounds that fight inflammation, decrease triglycerides and reduce cholesterol levels — all of which may lower heart disease risk. Their potent anti-inflammatory properties may also help reduce high blood pressure and protect against blood clots.


How do I clean and store it?

Fresh onions like these do NOT need to be dried before use, they’re ready to eat! Wash the whole onion plant to gently remove all dirt. Trim off the roots, separate the bulb from the greens, and peel any bits of dry outer layer from the bulb. Fresh onions are best kept in a reusable silicone bag or container with a lid in the fridge. Trim off the tips of the leaves and any tough or beat up bits, then store in the same way. If you’re buying our bagged onions near checkout later in the season, they have been dried and should not store in the fridge.


How do I cook it?

Onions are life! Raw or cooked, these are just a few of our favorites.

  • Slice up a white onion, a cucumber, and a tomato for a traditional Texas side salad

  • Classic French Onion Soup

  • Cut in thick slices and grill alongside steaks. A toothpick inserted halfway horizontally through the slice will keep it from falling apart

  • Combine a can of garbanzo beans, a red pepper, and a slivered red onion, pour on your favorite vinaigrette, and top with a handful of feta

  • Teri’s way: slice onions and sauté with potatoes in a skillet with butter and a little olive oil

“Oh no, we picked 22 pounds of onions”:

Fresh onions will keep stored properly in the fridge for several weeks. If you really picked a ton, you can lay them out to cure in a cool, well ventilated area. In that case, do not wash or remove the tops from the onion; simply lay them out exactly as they are when you bring them home from the farm, for 2-4 weeks. Curing will allow them to keep at room temperature for several months. You can can them, too - pickled red onions are great on sandwiches, salads, and charcuterie boards: